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Designing Gestures for Continuous Sonic Interaction

Jun 2019

Conference Paper - NIME 2019

  • Bachelor
  • Internship
  • research
  • EMG
  • sound mapping

As part of my bachelor program, I did an internship at Goldsmiths, University of London. There I worked in a team with Balandino di Donato and Michael Zbyszyński under supervision of Atau Tanaka. One of the projects I worked on, is a paper on Designing Gestures for Continuous Sonic Interaction using electomyography (EMG). This paper is published at NIME (international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression) 2019 in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

The research focuses on developing a workflow, in which an artist can easily design gestures that are mapped to a sound. We propose a new technique for capturing gesture anchor points as training data for neural network based regression. We also created a software framework in Max MSP and evaluated it in a workshop-based study.

I worked mainly on designing and testing the software framework, as well as assist during the workshop. I learned a lot about scientific research and writing, as well as Machine Learning.

Read the full paper on ResearchGate